USELESS ID – Ristampa di The Lost Broken Bone + 7 bonus track

Gli Useless ID, ambasciatori di lunga data del Medio Oriente punk rock, rilasceranno ufficialmente il 24 giugno in uscita mondiale, la ristampa di The Lost Broken Bones, fantastico ma trascurato album che ha preceduto il loro debutto su Fat Wreck Chords di Symptoms. La prima edizione era composta da 12 tracce prodotte e registrate da Bill Stevenson e Jason Livermore al The Blastic Room, la riedizone invece presenterà 7 bonus track, il risultato? Un fantastico tripudio di immenso suono punk melodico. Ecco alcune delle dichiarazioni rilasciate da Ishay Berger frontman degli Useless ID, a riguardo del rilascio dell’album e dei loro piani per il resto dell’anno:

“After releasing our final album for Kung Fu Records in 2005, we had our strongest album ready to go but had a hard time finding a label to put it out internationally. And so we ended up releasing The Lost Broken Bones on no less than 5 different record labels, with a pretty much different label for each territory. Some years passed and it became quite hard to get a copy of the album (a good lesson in quality vs. quantity) and so we cannot be more excited to announce that our amazing friends at Fat Wreck Chords will be re-releasing our 2008 album, with plenty of bonus tracks that did not appear on the original release. We are currently working on a new album and going to Japan with the Gorilla Biscuits this September! Then, we have another great tour in Europe booked which we’ll announce soon!

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