USELESS ID: ristampa di “Get in the Pita Bread Pit.”

Gli Useless Id, punk rock band israeliana del circuito Fat Wreck Chords, hanno annunciato la ristampa di “Get in the Pita Bread Pit.”, disco del 1999.

“We wrote most of the music for this between our first and second tours in the U.S, we had gotten better at staying in tune and still didn’t figure out song writing to the max. I remember long nights in the studio and getting real hopeful and real frustrated at the same time. Some of these songs came out on our split with The Ataris and and things got a lot cooler from then on.”, ha commentato la band sui profili social.

L’album uscirà questa estate in formato cd e vinile per Jerk Off Records e Ratgirl Records.

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