Tornano le PUSSY RIOT … ma meno riot…

Le Pussy Riot sono tornate con il loro primo pezzo in inglese: “I Can’t Breathe”

Il pezzo ispirato dalla morte nello scorso luglio di Eric Garner e delle proteste che l’hanno seguita questo inverno.

Il brano rodotto con un cast di star (Miike Snow – ANdrew Wyatt, Nick Zinner – Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Scofferlane, Jack Wood, Nadya Tolokonnikova e Masha Alyokhina [icone del punk femminista russo]) e registrato a New York lo scorso dicembre, vede però un cambio di rotta della band..

Come noterete dal video sottostante non c’è nulla di riot o di punk per il quale la band si era fatta notare… di seguito un tratto dell’intervista di billoard dove ne parlano:

“This song was composed and recorded over one night this December in a studio in New York City, during the demonstrations. We had been taking part in the protests, walking with the protesters who were demanding that the police be held accountable for Eric’s death and demanding change.  We got together and decided to make a dedication based on Eric Garner’s last words because we felt these words so deeply. And this was felt by artists from two different continents — Pussy Riot, Richard Hell (who read out Eric Garner’s last words), Jack Wood (vocals), Scofferlane (composition), Nick Zinner (piano and bass) and Andrew Wyatt (beats) spent a whole night recording the song from beginning till the end.

The genre of this isn’t like other Pussy Riot songs. It’s an industrial ballad. Dark and urban. The rhythm and beat of the song is a metaphor of a heartbeat, the beat of a heart before it’s about to stop. The absence of our usual aggressive punk vocals in this song is a reaction to this tragedy.”

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