I The Lippies sono la nuova realtà punk rock/pop punk della Red Scare Industries e Fuck The Customer è un estratto del self titled EP in uscita il prossimo 4 marzo.
Queste le parole di presentazione della frontwoman Tonia Broucek:
“Fuck The Customer” is my response to people who lack respect for sex workers. It’s my response to people who work at jobs they hate and are treated poorly at, go home to consume porn, and then explain how they have no respect for those women because they allow themselves to be degraded. Yet they fail to recognize that many of these people actually love and believe in what they’re doing. They fail to recognize how valuable their product is and how much power these people have. Meanwhile, these motherfuckers can’t even stand up for themselves at their crappy jobs without risking termination. So, like… really what’s more degrading?”
Band da tenere d’occhio.