STRUNG OUT: primo pezzo estratto da “Songs For Armor And Devotions”

Daggers è il titolo del primo singolo estratto da “Songs For Armor And Devotions”, il nuovo album dei californiani Strung Out che uscirà il prossimo 9 Agosto per Fat Wreck Chords.

Queste le parole del frontman Jason Cruz:
Some songs can be armor: they can repel and they can guard you. And they can also bring you comfort and speak of love and belonging to something. To be a good and gentle person, you have to put up a little bit of armor, but that armor never works, because you’re so caring and sensitive and vulnerable that your heart is going to be displayed on that armor anyway. There are so many thoughts and feelings in my head that I just opened up and let it go so I could explore the duality of having to defend and protect what’s inside, and at the same time make it available for the world”.


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