SCREECHING WEASEL: scomparso Steve Cheese

E’ scomparso Steve Cheese, all’anagrafe Stephen Dubick, il primo batterista degli Screeching Weasel coi quali ha inciso i primi due album, “Screeching Weasel” e “Boogadaboogadaboogada”.

Queste le parole dell’ex chitarrista John Jughead:
“We have lost our first Weasel. I am sad to announce that this morning Steve (Cheese) Dubick has passed away. Steve played drums on our first demo, our self titled record and of course the legendary album with the first appearance of the Weasel Logo, Boogada Boogada Boogada. His wedding on a campground in Wisconsin, where we played a horrible punk set at his reception will always stay with me.”

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