Nuovo album degli INTERRUPTERS in arrivo nel 2022

Happy New Year to all of you beautiful people. 2021 was an interesting year to say the least, but we have A LOT to be grateful for. We cant believe we were able to tour this summer is baseball stadiums with @greenday @weezer and @falloutboy… the tour of a lifetime! We released a live album “Live In Tokyo!” and a film to go along with it (go watch it on YouTube if you haven’t). Most importantly, we JUST finished recording our new album due out 2022 and we REALLY CAN’T WAIT for you to hear it!!!!! There’s a lot of beautiful things on the horizon. Stay safe out there and have a happy and healthy New Year!! Love to you all ??xoxo
-Aimee, Kevin, Justin & Jesse”

The Interrupters su Instagram: “Happy New Year to all of you beautiful people. 2021 was an interesting year to say the least, but we have A LOT to be grateful for. We cant…”

Con questo breve messaggio affidato alla pagina Instagram ufficiale, gli Interrupters hanno annunciato di aver terminato i lavori per il nuovo, attesissimo, album.
Non ci resta che aspettare ulteriori news della ska punk band californiana del circuito Hellcat Records.
L’ultimo lavoro degli Interrupters, “Fight The Good Fight”, è uscito nel 2018 per l’etichetta di Tim Armstrong (qui la nostra recensione: THE INTERRUPTERS: Fight The Good Fight – Punkadeka – Punk web Magazine).

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