La BAD TIME RECORDS inaugura l’etichetta punk UNCLE STYLE RECORDS: prime quattro band annunciate

La Bad Time Records, bellissima etichetta della musica in levare, annuncia la nascita dell’etichetta punk Uncle Style Records. Le prime 4 band che hanno firmato sono i Hell Beach (USA), i Brace Face (USA), i Boardroom Heroes (USA) e i Eat Defeat (UK).

Queste le parole di Mike, fondatore della Bad Time Records:
“I started Bad Time Records 5 years ago to give a platform to ska and ska punk bands who had never had a platform… in doing that, one of the biggest things I’ve learned is that I just love running a label and working with my friends to get their music heard. While of course most of my world revolves around ska, I’ve had many very close friends in decidedly non-ska bands come to me and say “if we write just a couple ska parts… could we be on bad time?”. I understood that this was always mostly a joke, but it really got me thinking… while I will always support, uplift, and work my hardest for those who need the help in the ska scene… isn’t it a shame that I have to exclude some wonderful folks from this community purely because of their genre? To be 100% clear: Bad Time Records will always be a ska / ska-punk label. Period. “Ska defines me as a person, and I will never turn my back on ska”, etc. But for everything else… there’s Uncle Style. And I am so excited to see where that takes us. “

L’Lp dei Brace Face, “Don’t Lose Your Dinosaur”, uscirà il prossimo 1 settembre, mentre il 45 giri s/t dei Hell Beach uscirà il 18 agosto.
Qui i pre-ordini:
Uncle Style Records

Qui sotto una playlist creata dalla nuova etichetta.

Uncle Style Records – playlist by Bad Time Records | Spotify

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