JOEY CAPE: diretta streaming e pezzi scelti dai fans

Il frontman dei Lagwagon Joey Cape ha annunciato che il prossimo 25 Aprile terrà una diretta su Instagram nella quale suonerà i pezzi della sua discografia solista e a sceglierli saranno i fans con delle richieste in diretta.

Qui sotto la descrizione dettagliata dell’evento:

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Any request? Livestream show this Saturday April 25th 2 pm Pacific / 5 pm Eastern / 10 pm GMT / 11 pm CET. (Link in Bio) Anyone who buys a ticket (pay what you can) is welcome to request any songs from my solo discography. Any requests? Post them here in the chat section before the show… Excited to play songs for all who want to connect in isolation! REWARDS: The #1 top tipper during the show will receive a test pressing of Joey’s latest solo album, “Let Me Know When You Give Up”. Tip will be matched/doubled by Fat Wreck Chords and donated to Project Cure ( Top tippers #2, #3 and #4 will each a receive signed, handwritten lyric sheet from Joey, for any song from his catalogue. Tipper’s choice

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