GREEN DAY nella Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame!

E’ notizia di oggi che i Green Day, storica punk-rock band californiana, saranno i prossimi ad entrare nella Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame, senza ombra di dubbio il più grande riconoscimento alla carriera per qualsiasi musicista.
A dare la notizia è stata la versione on-line di Rolling Stone, dalla quale riportiamo anche l’intervista al frontman Billie Joe Armstrong.

I Green Day, attivi dal 1987, hanno pubblicato 11 album da studio, svariati EP, alcuni live (tra i quali il seminale “Bullet In A Bible”) e hanno partecipato a innumerevoli tour mondiali, diventando, con le loro contraddizioni, la band di riferimento per moltissimi ragazzi sparsi in tutto il globo.
Attualmente sono fermi, dopo i problemi di salute dello scorso anno di Billie Joe, ma qualcosa bolle in pentola (…

Questa al breve intervista riportata sul sito

Biillie Joe Armstrong

What does this mean to you on a personal level?
For me, rock & roll is not an outdated term. To me, it means freedom. It was a way for me to express myself and I’m eternally grateful for the fact that I’ve been able to do that pretty much my whole life. It’s never lost that meaning for me, whether I’m a fan myself or for Green Day fans. It’s just the most liberating thing in the world. The fact that we’re getting recognized for it in the company we have, it’s just an incredible feeling.

It must be strange to realize you’ve now been in the band for 25 years.
I was talking to [Green day bassist] Mike [Dirnt] and we were trying to figure it out. The first thing that we put out [the EP 1,000 Hours] was in 1989 and he was 16 years old. I’d just turned 17. We were still in the middle of puberty for God’s sake. The fact that we kept on hanging on to this thing we believe in for so many years is incredible. It’s unique that we started so young. It’s almost freakish. We were weird little kids. We got to be weird together and create this thing called Green Day for so many years…Literally, what a strange trip.

La cerimonia si terrà il 18 aprile 2015.



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