Grande notizia per tutti gli amanti degli anni ’90 del punk rock: i Diesel Boy hanno annunciato la firma per l’attivissima etichetta austriaca SBAM Records che curerà l’uscita del nuovo album nel 2023.
Queste le parole della punk rock band californiana:
“Though 2023 officially marks our 30th year as a band, we haven’t been active in quite some time. But today we are super psyched to announce that after years and years of sitting on our middle-aged asses, we’re back in the garage and prepping a new record. A hearty and grateful thank you to the fine folks at @sbamrocks for bugging the shit out of us the past few years to make this happen! We can’t wait for you to hear what we’ve been up to.”
L’ultimo lavoro dei Diesel Boy, “Rode Hard and Put Away Wet”, è datato addirittura 2001.