BEACH SLANG: scioglimento dopo le accuse al frontman James Alex

BEACH SLANG: scioglimento dopo le accuse al frontman James Alex
Beach Slang Scioglimento Dopo Le Accuse Al Frontman James Alex

Vi ricordate i Beach Slang?
La band di Philadelphia non esiste più: lo scorso 5 Gennaio il frontman James Alex è stato accusato di abusi psicologici dalla sua ex manager Charlie Lowe e, come ci conferma la famiglia nel post di Instagram qui sotto, lo stesso James è stato da poco ricoverato dopo aver tentato il suicidio.

@beachslang su Instagram: “A message from James family: James is not perfect, and never claimed to be. After a lifetime of suicidal ideation, Beach Slang was simply…”

Queste le parole della famiglia di James:

James is not perfect, and never claimed to be. After a lifetime of suicidal ideation, Beach Slang was simply intended to be an outlet of positivity in rock and roll, and an attempt to heal himself and any sad or broken friends he met along the way. His “fake music persona” wasn’t some facade derived with malice to dupe or harm anyone, it was a coping mechanism created to overcome his struggles. Yes he had moments of compulsiveness, emotional instability, and chaotic relationships, but none of his actions were intentional or meant to hurt or harm anyone, certainly not those who cared for or believed in him.

They were an unfortunate result of unimaginable childhood trauma, violent physical, sexual, and emotional abuse and years of untreated resultant severe mental health issues. James is diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, Paranoid Schizophrenia, and now Borderline Personality Disorder. This is not to invalidate or negate anyone’s feelings, or experiences, it is only to explain the unexplained or unseen cause to the effects, as the internet can be very black and white, and mental illness is largely a grey area.

While mental illness does not excuse anyone to cause others emotional duress, it should at least be acknowledged that it may cause one to unknowingly hurt others and themselves with their words and actions. James was starting treatment before these allegations were made, and is now in an inpatient facility after attempting to take his life. He is getting the help he needs and will be on a true path to recovery. Please know you’ve been heard. While it may have not felt like enough, or that it came soon enough, he has tried to make amends and reconcile his behaviors.

James is not a monster. He is a flawed and complex human being. He is also a father, a son, a husband, and a friend to those still willing to believe in him. He never intended to cause anyone pain. And all parties involved were aware of and could recognize his issues and tried to help him to the best of their abilities at the time. Unfortunately, the help he needed was beyond the scope of family or friends with good intentions. He just wants to stay alive (…)”

La Polyvinyl Records ha rimosso i Beach Slang dal proprio catalogo a causa dell’accusa rivolta nei confronti di James Alex.
La band chiude la sua storia iniziata nel Maggio del 2013 e che vede molti ep e ben 4 album all’attivo, tra i quali il bel “The Things We Do to Find People Who Feel Like Us” del 2015.

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