Continuano i lavori per il nuovo album dei Banner Pilot. I 4 punk-rockers di Minneapolis hanno annunciato che tutto sta procedendo bene per il nuovo lavoro che succederà a “Heart Beats Pacific”, album uscito lo scorso anno per Fat Wreck Chords.
Queste le parole della band: “Finishing up the writing on some new songs. Already got the guitar parts done– last step is the bass. Making notes to keep track of what i’m doing, and I just wrote: “On third one, 14-12-11-12, then high A power chord notes, then 0/14, 0/16, 0/18, 0/19 drones on A/D strings, ending on Eii octave chord (12th fret mute A)” So for one, I sound like a lunatic, but more importantly…. you read that right— drone bass notes on these new songs! Get pumped!
Ancora nessuna data annunciata, ma queste parole fanno ben sperare.