BAD RELIGION: nuovo pezzo in rete

Dopo The Kids Are Alt-Right ecco un nuovo, attesissimo, pezzo dei Bad Religion.
La seminale punk band californiana se ne esce con una tiratissima The Profane Rights of Man che potete ascoltare qui sotto.

Queste le parole di presentazione del leader Greg Graffin:
The song is based on the 1789 document, “The Universal Rights of Man.” Since we’re a band that has a longstanding tradition of championing the enlightenment, we wanted to emphasize that our society is based on a profane rather than a sacred theological justification for human rights. In sum, the song is about Bad Religion’s belief in a secular basis for the protection of human rights for all people.

Non sappiamo ancora se i due pezzi presentati faranno parte del nuovo album dei Bad Religio: restate sintonizzati per ulteriori news.

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